Multiple Git SSH keys by example

Here are my notes for setting up SSH keys for different accounts on Bitbucket. These instructions should be similar for GitHub as well.

Generate and setup SSH keys

SSH keys are stored in the ~/.ssh folder. To look for existing private and public keys run ls ~/.ssh. A key pair looks like id_rsa for the private key and for the public pair.

To generate a new SSH key run-

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

You will be prompted for the file to save the key-

Enter a file in which to save the key (/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa):

Configure the public key in your Github or Bitbucket settings. For multiple SSH keys, save the key with separate file names like id_rsa_personal and id_rsa (default for work).

These keys can loaded for automatic use with ssh-agent-

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal

This is one time setup.

Git config file

Edit the ~/.ssh/config file with host aliases to make the magic work.

# Bitbucket Personal account
Host bitbucket-personal
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal

# Bitbucket work account (Default)
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

The configuration above-

  • First section creates a host alias bitbucket-personal to the real When that alias is used the identity file id_rsa_personal will be active.
  • The second alias is just pointing to This will be the default configuration and id_rsa key is used in that case.

This is one time setup.

Repository config

For each git repository, the SSH key used will be based on the hostname used in the remote configuration.

Let’s consider the open source project asap-cli.

To clone using the default work SSH key run-

$ git clone

To clone using the personal SSH use the alias path like-

$ git clone git@bitbucket-personal:atlassianlabs/asap-cli.git

Check the repository remote configuration like -

$ git remote -v
origin	git@bitbucket-personal:atlassianlabs/asap-cli.git (fetch)
origin	git@bitbucket-personal:atlassianlabs/asap-cli.git (push)

This alias feature can also be used for adding a remote rather than a fresh clone.

This needs to be done once per repository.