
When smart-phones started becoming popular I was originally an android user. Later I switched to an iPhone (just to get regular software updates). Being a programmer I did want to write my own apps eventually and started playing with swift and ios. But to really learn something you need to build something real. I did get an idea that I was passionate about and earlier this month released (more than just me actually) an app to the iOS appstore…

Introducing - Bardun

Bardun screenshot

Bardun helps add notes and other metadata to contacts on your phone. Why was this personally important?

  • People - Because I tend to forget details about people - right from names to things we’ve done; and I want to be better at maintaining relationships.
  • Self - I used to use a twitter with hidden/private tweets as a pensieve for thoughts I wanted to remember. Highs and lows in my life, which also tend to mostly involve other people. But the twitter UX has changed to emphasize social behaviour rather than your personal tweets making the app unusable for my requirements.

With Bardun I’m able to store private notes about my thoughts in the context of my contacts.

Give Bardun a try if this sounds interesting?

Releasing early

If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late. - Reid Hoffman

Embarrassed by using a blue rounded background on the landing page of your site? Oh there are many features that can be built to solve this problem. But its better to release early and then iterate. Because releasing a product that is usable even with less features is hard work. Stay tuned for more updates on this journey.